

To transform cities and nations as we fulfil the Great Commission


To bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth and reap the End-Time Harvest while ushering Revival


Who we are


Thayer’s Greek Definition:

1) Harvest, the act of reaping
1a) Fig. of the gathering of men into the kingdom of God
1b) referring to the time of reaping, the final judgment, when the righteous are gathered into the kingdom of God and the wicked are cast into hell forever

Therismos is a Christian mission organisation with a core focus on fulfilling the Great Commission while reviving the Church across the globe. We do this by organising massive Revival Gospel Campaigns that have resulted in hundreds of thousands of people making decisions for Christ. We also work closely with churches to form strong discipleship that eventually leads to church multiplication.

Truly we are plunging into the days of unprecedented harvest as we draw closer to the day of the Lord’s return. God is radically changing the lives of people through our events and is taking us further into the nations.


Number of documented decisions
Collaborated: over 1.5 million

Lives transformed

One of the most beautiful things about these Gospel Campaigns is that we get to see how God touches individuals within the crowds.

This 15 year old girl was born deaf and mute, but after praying for the sick, she came up on the platform with her neighbour to testify that she was hearing and speaking for the first time in her life.

This is only 1 of many stories from the field. If you would like to hear more, click the button below.